"Sheep, lamb, triple use, hey, little girl, bib, winter jacket ..."
In 2009, Farma Košík, an island of Slovak products in Central Bohemia, was authorized to mark its products with the "PRODUCT OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE" logo.
We focus primarily on the processing of meat and milk from Romanov sheep, we have also added products from East Frisian sheep and Czech shorthair goats, we breed mangalice piglets and shingles and the range is complemented by Jersey cow products - great milk, butter, cheese.
• year-round sausages and lamb, mutton and pork, cow's milk, cow's cheese, yogurt and butter, Ghee
• from Easter to Michal sheep lump (fresh cheese), hard cheese (Emmental type), spelled (smoked), brynza - melted and solted fresh sheep cheese, žinčica (kefir-like drink), goat milk and goat cheese
• elaborated sheep fur, light and warm, also suitable for allergy sufferers
• in the restaurant at the Tuchom guest house, lamb roasted in many ways, classic Slovak cabbage, brynza dumplings. More on Gastronomy.
Other products from our orchards and gardens are jams, pickles and chutney. Depending on the season, fresh fruit, vegetables and potatoes ..
Sales and information about the current offer and quantity abviable at the Tuchom pension, tel. 325 514 850.
Sales also on the e-shop where the current offer is listed: e-farmakosik.cz